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Powders Saimei’an    

Category: [Chinese patent medicine]

Approval No.: gyzz z35020130

[ingredients] gypsum ice slice cinnabar (Shuifei)

[properties] this product is a light pink powder; it is fragrant, cool and slightly bitter.

Product Description: it has the functions of clearing away heat and hemostasis, astringent and eliminating dampness, and transforming putrefactive muscles. For mouth, nose, throat mucosa ulcer, inflammation, bleeding, periodontal ulcer, skin bruise, knife wound, chronic ulcer, cervical erosion, vaginitis, hemorrhoids, anal fistula, bedsore and other diseases, also can be used as umbilical powder for newborn babies.

Specification: 10g / bottle, 300 bottles / piece; 30g / bottle, 180 bottles / piece.


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